Monday, June 6

Gift List

So this is the Groom here, making the first ever blog post in my life. My wonderful wife-to-be has done a great job setting this blogsite up, i'm very proud and impressed! This is odd and scary but here goes.

We have finally got the gift list set up. We are using Debenhams Wedding Service, and we have even gone so far as to have made a few joint decisions for what we would like! As you may see most of the items we have on at the moment are for the kitchen. This is because I love cooking and Stasie is amazing at baking.

In order to view our giftlist and view our selections, please visit or click here

and enter this gift list number: 299808

You can either buy an item outright or you can put money on the 'giftcard' above the items. This will allow us to use your gratefully received contributions towards any items on the list, or anything else we add to it.

This information will also be available as an insert inside our invitations, which are in production and will be sent by special owl delivery as soon as they are done, and we feed the owls. They wont deliver without being bribed with orange jelly babies. Odd I know. Used to only have one between them all, now they insist on one each. Inflation!!! Bah!

Look forward to seeing you at our wonderful day!

The Groom

1 comment:

  1. That's gingerist! Those poor orange jelly babies :(
