Thursday, June 30

100 days left!!!!!

Oh my days x1000000

Today is not only our 17 month anniversary (yes we do count the months and I don't care if that makes us sad), but also the mark of 100 days to go till our wedding. We are so so excited...and nervous...but mostly relieved, because we can hardly wait for all of our friends and family to be gathered together in a beautiful church to see us united in God's presence.

We have been very blessed this last month, with me passing my degree (Oh yh, after the 8th of October I will be formally known as Stanislava Howard BA (Hons)) and us finding a place to live next year! All I need now is a job and then we'll be ready to start our journey together.

I just want to thank everyone for their help with the planning, especially my mum and Ben's parents as they have been extremely supportive in this time.

Oh, and we have started sending out invitations now, so please give us your address :)