Thursday, June 30

100 days left!!!!!

Oh my days x1000000

Today is not only our 17 month anniversary (yes we do count the months and I don't care if that makes us sad), but also the mark of 100 days to go till our wedding. We are so so excited...and nervous...but mostly relieved, because we can hardly wait for all of our friends and family to be gathered together in a beautiful church to see us united in God's presence.

We have been very blessed this last month, with me passing my degree (Oh yh, after the 8th of October I will be formally known as Stanislava Howard BA (Hons)) and us finding a place to live next year! All I need now is a job and then we'll be ready to start our journey together.

I just want to thank everyone for their help with the planning, especially my mum and Ben's parents as they have been extremely supportive in this time.

Oh, and we have started sending out invitations now, so please give us your address :)

Wednesday, June 8

Информация о Визе

Наконец то пришло время посылать вам приглашение. Для того что бы сделать это мне нужен ваш адрес, детали загранпаспорта и название отеля в котором вы собираетесь остановиться.

На странице Великобританского консульства в России Вы сможете ознакомиться с информацией о подачи документов на визу.

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Информацию о сопроводительных документах вы найдёте здесь

Monday, June 6

Gift List

So this is the Groom here, making the first ever blog post in my life. My wonderful wife-to-be has done a great job setting this blogsite up, i'm very proud and impressed! This is odd and scary but here goes.

We have finally got the gift list set up. We are using Debenhams Wedding Service, and we have even gone so far as to have made a few joint decisions for what we would like! As you may see most of the items we have on at the moment are for the kitchen. This is because I love cooking and Stasie is amazing at baking.

In order to view our giftlist and view our selections, please visit or click here

and enter this gift list number: 299808

You can either buy an item outright or you can put money on the 'giftcard' above the items. This will allow us to use your gratefully received contributions towards any items on the list, or anything else we add to it.

This information will also be available as an insert inside our invitations, which are in production and will be sent by special owl delivery as soon as they are done, and we feed the owls. They wont deliver without being bribed with orange jelly babies. Odd I know. Used to only have one between them all, now they insist on one each. Inflation!!! Bah!

Look forward to seeing you at our wonderful day!

The Groom

Tuesday, May 31

New updates

So, I guess it's time for a new update people :D We've been extremely busy this month and everything has seemed piled on top of something else. However, we did manage to sort a few things out this month! And now that my exams are done and I'm out of work (boooooooo!) I will dedicate my time to sorting out the last few bits. Anyway, here's a list of things we managed to get sorted this month:

- Booked the honeymoon

- Booked wedding night Hotel

- Ordered wedding rings

- Booked the photographers (oh yes, there are two and they are awesome!! Thank you, Prices and Greens)

- Talked to the caterer

- Translated birth certificate

- Booked the car

- Booked champagne flutes and wine glasses

- Got an estimate for flower arrangements

- Found out how to get visas

- Put some things down on our wedding gift list!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Long way to go, but more time to do it now.

Thursday, April 21


As the bride happens to be Russian, we have chosen to incorporate some old Russian wedding traditions into our wedding. These may seem silly or even superstitious to you, but they are a testament to the importance that Russians place on their history and culture and are a big part of me. So we hope that you will enjoy the hilarious view. To clue you in I have decided to note down some of the most important traditions:

Viykup (ransom)

This is a traditional game, played prior to the wedding. The groom comes to his bride’s house, where she is hiding. He brings gifts, money, and sweets, to give to everybody in her family, so they will help him find her. This is known as 'Viykup', and is a tradition in many other cultures around the world as well as in Russia.

Do Not Cross the Newlyweds’ Way!

Nobody should cross the path in front of the bride and groom on their way to church and back. In Russian villages they still believe that only sorcerers and ill-wishers “cut the path” of the newlyweds to harm them.

The Loaf of Bread

At the beginning of the wedding reception, the newly weds are presented with a loaf of bread ans salt by their in-laws. They both attempt to take a big bite from it (with no hands allowed!) at the same time. Whoever takes the bigger bite is said to be the leader of their family!

The Bitter Kiss

One of the most intriguing Russian wedding traditions takes place at the wedding reception. The bride and groom must kiss when the crowd begin to chant 'gorko'. In English, this word means 'bitter taste', and refers to the vodka that the newlyweds have to drink before kissing. The kiss must continue until the crowd stops chanting, so you can imagine this creates a lot of fun for all involved!

The Champagne Glass

At the wedding table of the bride and groom, friends and family put some coins in the champagne glasses of the newlyweds as a wish for their marriage to be blessed with abundance. After drinking the first glass the couple must throw them on the floor. It is considered good luck if the glasses break when they hit the ground.

Smashing the Plate

This tradition is well-known with Greek weddings, and it is also a tradition in Russian weddings. The bride and groom should drop a plate together, and break it into small pieces. They then take a step together, over the broken pieces, as a sign of them advancing towards their future happiness.

It is bad omen if something happens to bride’s shoes during the wedding; in particular, if the heel breaks off. However, shoes can also harbour luck! There is a well-known custom in Russia to put money into the wedding shoes. Russian brides like to put a coin under their left heels as they believe it will bring them luck. In the traditional Russian wedding, however, it was the groom who put money into his boots. Before the wedding night the bride would take his boots off in token of her obedience and he would give her that money.

Monday, April 4

Важная информация для гостей из России


Что бы купить билеты у вас должен быть действительный загранпасрорт. Покупайте билеты с 6-го по 9-е Октября. Чем быстрее вы купите билеты тем дешевле вам это будит.


Мне нужны ваши паспортные данные, лучше всего копию загранпаспорта. Приглашение будит делать папа Бена.
Сколько брать с собой денег

Легче всего взять с собой VISA карту, а так придётся наличными не меньше 300 фунтов (при условии что отель оплачивается отдельно). Всё зависит от вас самих, куда вам захочется поехать и что купить.

Информация о Метро Лондона

Из Хитроу проще всего доехать на синией линии до King's Cross и пересесть там на любую из 3 линий идущих на Liverpool st. А там на поезд в Colchester. Линк на карту метро вы найдёте под фаной Airports.

На поезде в Colchester

Дешевле и удобнее всего купить однодневную карточку - она действует и на метро и на поезде. Стоит она 28.60 фунтов. Покукается в билетных автоматах или в билетном оффисе.

Отель стоит от 50-90 фунтов за ночь, в зависимости от класса отеля. Пытайтесь заказать отель поближе к железнодорожной станции (Colchester North Station). Но не в коем случае не заказывайте отель под названием Riverside, у него очень плохая репутация.

Все вопросы направляйте по пч. адресу:


My soon to be mother in law has been really helpful in all aspects. Not only has she agreed to do our stationary but she has also found some people to help out with the flowers. They have long been asking me what it was that I has in mind, so here is an attempt at explaining what has been swirling in my head these past few months.

As I have chosen blue and white as the colour scheme for my wedding I now have to find in-season blue flowers to accompany my roses and lilies. Personally I would like someting like this:

or this:

Dark blue delphiniums in a collar around white roses.

I've heard that Delphiniums and Hydrangea are the most popular blue flowers and they seem to be in season.

Something like that would probably be pretty easy to make and would look great with the white flowers.

Athough if I had enough money I'd probably go for Dendrobium Blue orchids, because they take my breath away.

However, I wouldn't mind these ribbons for bridesmaids either: